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+20 102 080 4724

5689 Lotaso Terrace, Culver City,
CA, United States

Perfect Brand is Featured on

Featured Products

Nerdbar device3000 - Black Currant Ice Flavour

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Yuoto Thanos 5000 - Strawberry Peach Ice

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Yuoto Srich 2000 - Strawberry Watermelon Ice

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Nerdbar 3000 - Mango Ice

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better than cigarettes

In 2015, Public Health England (PHE) said that e-cigarettes were estimated to be around 95% less harmful than smoking.

Help to stop addiction

Using a vape has been shown to have some of the highest success rates among people quitting smoking, at around 60% to 74% in 2019 to 2020, according to PHE.

No secondhand smoke

The NHS says there is no evidence that vaping harms people around you, unlike smoking.

Flavors for every palate

There are virtually endless flavor options to choose from in e-liquid.


70 Al Moltaqa Al Arabi , Sheraton Al Matar, Cairo

Phone Number

+2 0220 644 226
+20 102 080 4724



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